Juwarti Hafsah, SS, M.Si
DESCRIPTION: This modul explain about how to use active and passive voice, tenses (present and
future), and how to write in today language.
GOAL : By learning and understanding modul 2, wish the students can:
1. Knowing how to use active and passive voice, and also to use particular tenses (present and future).
2. Knowing how to write a news in today language.
3. Can make the short news text in English perfectly.
4. Can do some exercises correctly.
1. English Grammar and How to Use it, written by Robby Lou (E Series Plus)
2. Broadcast Journalism, written by Andrew Boyd (Focal Press)
3. Tata Bahasa Bahasa Inggris, written by Erhans Anggawirya and friends (Indah)
A. Using Active Voice
Active voice means a sentence that the subject do an action. In Indonesia, active voice translated by using me-.
The formula to create an active voice is:
Subject + verb + object or an adverb
All the kinds of tenses can be created into an active voice, and its formula must be matched with the kind of its tense.
Examples :
1. The President of Indonesia visited Iran to discuss about nuclear as the alternative material for life.
2. The Vise President, Jusuf Kalla, fullfiled the consideration to follow presidential election in 2009.
3. The Legislative force the Executive to make some good regulations to stabilize market’s condition
B. Using Passive Voice
Passive voice means a sentence that the subject is being affected by the predicate or a sentence that state about what’s going on the subject of sentence.
The formula to create a passive voice is:
Subject + be + the past participle
All the kinds of tenses can be created into a passive voice, and its formula must be matched with the kind of its tense.
1. Iran was visited by The President of Indonesia to discuss about nuclear as the alternative material for life.
2. The consideration to follow presidential election in 2009, was fulfilled by The Vise President, Jususf Kalla.
3. The Executive is forced by Legislative to make some good regulations to stabilize market’s condition.
Let’s try to make it!!!
Please change these following sentences into the correct one! Don’t forget to consider its tenses!
No | Active Voice | Passive Voice |
1. | Ahmad Heryawan and Dede Yusuf have a big chance to be the Governor and Vice Governor of West Java. | |
2. | The Human Right abuse investigation will be planned by Komnas HAM because of forces came from victims’ relatives. | |
3. | The Financial Crisis of America has not shown significant impact. | |
4. | Indonesian Expedition Team succeed had plunged nation flag in Uhuru Peak, Kilimanjaro Mountains of Tanzania. | |
5. | The prosperity of China is proven by its effort to organize coming up Beijing Olympic. | |
6. | Media has had big contribution to give information needed by people about anything. | |
7. | Not only the quantity that must being increased, the quality of television programmes also must being developed too. | |
8. | Even still being exist, radio is going to be decreased its function by people. It is replaced by television. | |
9. | Constitution Court stated in seminar forum that the National Mandate Party is being the most cleaned and good controlled management party. | |
10. | Presidential Regulation has not been forced by Financial Controlling Board to President. |
C. Using Present and Future Tenses
1. Simple Present
Simple present tense digunakan untuk menerangkan hal-hal berikut :
- Kegiatan atau peristiwa atau kejadian yang biasa atau sering terjadi setiap saat (habitual action)
- Kegiatan atau peristiwa atau kejadian yang factual.
Struktur Kalimat
Dalam menyusun kalimat simple present tense, kita harus menggunakan kata kerja I (Infinitive) dengan atau tanpa tambahan s / es. Strukturnya adalah sebagai berikut :
![]() |
- Berpelaku sekumpulan Nama Orang atau sekumpulan Benda atau Kata Ganti Orang Pertama Tunggal dan Jamak, Kata Ganti Orang Kedua, serta kata Ganti Orang Ketiga Jamak.
Contoh :
- I get up at five o’clock every morning
- You work hard everyday
- Thay play football on Fridays
- Berpelaku Nama Seseorang atau Benda atau Kata Ganti Orang Ketiga Tunggal
Contoh :
- Mirza gets up at six o’clock every morning
- Syauqi plays tennis every Sunday
- She wants to take part in a competition
Dalam Simple Present Tense, jika subjeknya kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal atau nama seseorang atau nama suatu benda, kata kerjanya harus ditambah s / es. Tambahan es terdapat pada kata kerja yang berakhir dengan huruf ss / sh / ch / x.
contoh :
kiss menjadi kisses
miss menjadi misses
wash menjadi washes
watch menjadi watches
Jika kata kerja berakhir dengan huruf y setelah huruf mati (konsonan), huruf itu berubah menjadi i + es.
contoh :
study menjadi studies
carry menjadi carries
reply menjadi replies
fly menjadi flies
Untuk kata kerja yang berakhir dengan huruf y setelah huruf hidup, kata kerja itu ditambah dengan s.
contoh :
play menjadi plays
say menjadi says
enjoy menjadi enjoys
employ menjadi employs
- Contoh Kalimat yang Menerangkan Fakta yang senantiasa Terjadi.
- Fish lives in the water
- Snails move very slowly
- The sun rises in the East
- The earth goes round the sun
C. Kalimat Tanya
Dalam struktur simple present tense, kalimat Tanya menggunakan kata kerja Bantu do atau does.
a. penggunaan do
b. penggunaan does
c. Do dan does dengan What, Where, When, Which, Why, dan How.
D. Kalimat Negatif
a. Do not atau Don’t
b. Does not atau Doesn’t
E. Pemakaian Keterangan Waktu
a. Always (Selalu)
- I always lock the door
- They always come on time
b. Usually (Biasanya)
- I usually watch television until ten o’clock
- You usually say hello to Betty.
c. Sometimes (kadang-kadang)
- He sometimes plays chess
- I sometimes swim in the sea
d. Often (sering)
- I often see Mr. Hamid
- You often talk about music
e. Seldom (jarang)
- I seldom drink coffee
- They seldom come there.
f. Never (tidak pernah)
- I never hate you
- He never writes to Linda
2. Present Continous (progressive)
Present continous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kegiatan atau peristiwa yang sedang terjadi saat pembicaraan berlangsung.
Struktur Kalimat
Dalam menyusun kalimat preent continous tense, kita harus menggunakan is/am/are dan infinitive berakhiran -ing. Strukturnya sebagai berikut:
subject + is/am/are + infinitive + -ing + object
I am playing music
He/She/It is playing music
You/They/We are playing music
C. Kalimat Tanya
Strukturnya sebagai berikut :
Is/am/are + subject + infinitive+ -ing + object
D. Kalimat Negatif
Strukturnya sebagai berikut :
Subject + is/am/are + not + infinitive + -ing + object
E. Kalimat Tanya
Strukturnya sebagai berikut:
Am/is/are + subject +invinitive + ing +object
3. Simple Future
Simple future tense digunakan untuk menerangkan kegiatan atau peristiwa atau kejadian yang akan terjadi atau akan dilakukan.
Struktur Kalimat
Dalam menyusun kalimat simple future tense, kita harus menggunakan shall atau will disertai kata kerja I (infinitive)
A. Kalimat Positif
Strukturnya sebagai berikut:
Subject + shall/will + infinitive + object
B. Kalimat Negatif
Strukturnya sebagai berikut:
Subject + shall/will + not + infinitive + object
C. Kalimat Tanya
Strukturnya sebagai berikut :
Shall/will + subject + infinitive + object
What/where/when/why/who/how + shall/will + subject + infinitive + object
- What will you do on next Saturday?
- Who will help them?
- When will they come back?
D. Kalimat Negatif
Strukturnya sebagai berikut :
Subject + shall/will + not + infinitive + object
A. Pemakaian
Keduanya dapat digunakan untuk Memprediksikan sesuatu. Apabila si pelaku atau pembicara membuat sebuah prediksi tentang sesuatu yang diperkirakan olehnya akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang, baik will atau be going to, dapat digunakan.
Be going to, digunakan untuk suatu rencana prioritas (yang sudah pasti akan dilakukan atau direalisasikan dengan keyakinan yang kuat)
Will, digunakan untuk keinginan atau rencana (yang belum pasti akan direalisasikan)
B. Contoh-contoh
1. a. According to the weather report, it will be cloudy tomorrow.
b. According to the weather report, it is going to cloudy tomorrow.
is adalah tobe. Maka, be secara otomatis akan berganti menjadi tobe yang sesuai dengan subjeknya.
2. I’m going to paint my bedroom tomorrow.
Mengecat kamar menjadi kegiatan prioritas yang direncanakan untuk dilakukan esok hari.
3. The phone is ringing, I’ll get it.
Menjawab atau mengangkat telepon bukanlah hal yang direncanakan. Si pelaku atau pembicara tidak memprioritaskan untuk menjawab telepon. Ia hanya bersukarela untuk menjawab telepon untuk menunjukkan keinginannya, bukan niatnya.
Trying to make samples of the future tenses, especially which is used the will and be going to, to make you sure being understand of this lesson!